Celebrating 25 years of SCDM conferences


SCDM Live holds conferences throughout the year for it’s members to connect with each other, listen to their peers to learn new things as well as to socialise. Thinc was asked to create a new look for the 25th anniversary conference. A lively festival style event was planned so celebratory graphics were created that they were able to roll out across the on and offline event and marketing materials.

Celebratory visuals

The conference visuals linked strongly back to data science and gave it the celebratory feel with colours coming from the San Diego destination. Distinctive geometric typography set the clear concise tone for the new line of Connect. Discover. Share. The green frame along with the graphic confetti was rolled out across the conference as well as the website and digital advertising which unified the event. The backgrounds were laid on a grid which increased the ‘data’ visual language.


Thinc. established a set of graphic devices which could then be used in new ways for subsequent events.



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