Tough On Pain, by being tough on the cause of pain.

St James Clinics is committed to improving the way pain is treated. Providing pain relief through Intense Pulse Pressure Therapy, targeting the route of pain and directly addressing the origins of discomfort.

St James Clinics visual identity was created to reflect both the condition and the treatment.

96% success rate in significantly reducing patience pain.

St James Clinics is a private therapy clinic from Birmingham UK. Providing pain therapy with a staggeringly high success rate. St James is committed to changing the way pain is treated and helping those who suffer.

Treatments include Intense Pulse Pressure Therapy (i.P.P.T.) which employs pulse waves to effectively target the causes of pain at a deep cellular level. In contrast to conventional treatments, this innovative approach directly addresses the origin of discomfort, fostering vastly improved pain reduction for quicker recovery and improved mobility.

St James visual language was crafted to represent the patience condition and their treatment.



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